Integrated Statement completion feature of MS SQL Server

How to enable the inbuilt auto-completion feature of MS SQL server 2008 or 2012

MS SQL 2012 or its previous version MS SQL 2008 has inbuilt statement completion feature. This can be set for all languages or for T-SQL only. Here we are going to see that how to enable inbuilt statement completion feature for T-SQL. It is very easy. Just go to the Tools menu of SQL Server Management Studio and select Options –

sql statement completion1.png


On Clicking Options, it will open below screen -

sql statement completion.png

In the left pane, Expand “Text Editor” by clicking over it and then select “Transact-SQL”. You will find the Statement completion option in right side pane. From there check the “Auto list members” option.

That's it!!! Now you will get the Auto-completion feature. Though it is not so good as SQLComplete(a third party tool) but good.