jQuery change the label text on radio click

jQuery : How to change the label/span text when my radio option is checked or changed. I created this jsFiddle for someone, you can see it as -HTML Code: <html>    <tr><td colspan="2"> <span id="labelMsgForRadioClick">Select your choice</span> </td&g... [More]

jQuery export table data into MS Excel

We can use window.open() to export table data into Excel or any required format. It is the easiest and simplest way of creating a file with data without server side trip. window.open() requires 2 input parameters for this, (1) the required MIMEtype and (2) element that contains our data table .If you want to export your Gridview data, then place that Gridview inside a container like DIV and supply the DIV to winodw.open(). Also, be noted that window.open() has its scope and limitations in terms of browser vendors and customizing output file name. [More]

System.Web namespace

The System.Web namespace contains the important base level ingredients for ASP.NET applications. System.Web namespace is an important base for Web Form user interface and web services.
Use of Built-in Objects like Request and Response are very common and widely used. We directly write them without creating objects as they are built-in objects.This namespace has following built-in Objects : (1) Request (2) Response (3) Server (4) Application [More]

URL Rewriting vs. ASP.net Routing

Those who want to decide which URL routing technique to be used and in which scenario, can have look into "IIS URL Rewriting and ASP.NET Routing" posted by Ruslan Yakushev.   He says: "Either IIS URL rewriting or ASP.NET routing can be used to implement URL manipulation scenarios f... [More]

jQuery intellisense in Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft is promoting jQuery and so Visual Studio 2010 is having inbuilt intellisense for it. But for earlier version of Visual Studio i.e. VS 2008, it can be done by installing kb file.Upgrade Visual Studio 2008 to Service Pack 1 and use the KB958502. This hotfix can be downloaded from -http://arc... [More]