Blockchain and Cryptography Overview - Free Webinar

Blockchain is a Distributed, Secured, intelligent Ledger system. It is a new evolving technology where decentralized intelligent ledger systems(master nodes) are used.

Blockchain is a chain of blocks(of Cryptography).

It is a kind of secure, decentralized /distributed, intelligent ledger system where system or blocks or master-nodes are chained globally to process transactions.

Webinar Details

Blockchain Cryptography Free webinar

Price: Free of cost
Where: Online
When: Thursday, 30-Aug-2018 9:30PM IST

  • Blockchain (What, Why, and Scope)
  • Theory and its Evolution
  • Smart contract and distributed ledger
  • Blockchain Applications – feature and scope

Registeration link: click here


Arun Pandey Gorakhpur USA Bank Of America Arun Pandey is a technologist and Agile practitioner. He has been associated with top investment banks where he has used various technologies as ( Java, Python, Hadoop, Unix and many more...). He led the team as an Agile practitioner and applied Scrum and Kanban practices in various projects. He has been associated with several technical forums and very passionate to contribute his knowledge. Now times involved with Blockchain and AI/ML stuff. Arun holds a Master degree in Software technology. You can follow Arun Pandey on @ArunPandeyCdac , +ArunPandey

If we recall old days where client-server model was in common fashion of building application and then we progressed to Micro-services and high availability cloud platforms. This Blockchain is one more step ahead of progression and it advocates the global chaining of cryptography blocks(master nodes).

In Asia, it is still in novice stage as most of tech geeks ignored it initially due to its close relation with Cryptocurrency and its related laws in Asian countries. Blockchain is much more and a bigger mechanism and various kinds of applications are using it.