MVC, Entity framework with WCF is in demand. HTML5 is expected to be launched by the end of year 2014 but it is buzzing more than others. Others in race are: CSS3,Entity Framework, jQuery, Cloud computing, KnockoutJs...
22. March 2013
Anil Kumar
Asp.Net , C#
Version comparison of .net framework, C# with CLR into a table
14. March 2013
Anil Kumar
Asp.Net , C# , WCF
"The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly." This exception can be avoided by checking- 1) The return type and make sure it is serializable. and 2) Make sure your Enum values are matched with the values stored inside tables. This is the very critical situation because you don't expect it.
11. March 2013
Anil Kumar
Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 0, current count = 1.
2. February 2013
Anil Kumar
If you are using old version of jQuery and want to migrate to its new version 1.9 and more, this plugin is made for you from jQuery Foundation
30. January 2013
Anil Kumar
Visual Studio 2012 gives quicker search result and this quick launch is at the top of in title bar and just before the control buttons of IDE window.
28. January 2013
Anil Kumar
General is a great platform for learning and imparting knowledge. Its appreciation to its contributors is unique and praise worthy.
26. January 2013
Anil Kumar
May Indians Dream of a new shining tomorrow come true for all of us..Happy Republic DayThe Great India
15. January 2013
Anil Kumar
Asp.Net , C#
"Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel with ID ''. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel."
Generally this error comes when you are trying to update an UpdatePanel from code behind and that UpdatePanel is inside an element (parent) that has hidden visibility.
Some techies suggest you to use another UpdatePanel as a container of your this UpdatePanel. Keeping in mind that UpdatePanels are the region like PlaceHolders and not like Panel element.
26. December 2012
Anil Kumar
MS SQL 2012 or its previous version MS SQL 2008 has inbuilt statement completion feature. This can be set for all languages or for T-SQL only.