Using master page with iframe for content page

Though iframe is no more used in modern web programming. HTML5 and CSS3 is buzz now a days. Some prefer using update panel for their whole content page. There are many ways to handle the post backs of pages for better efficiency. Here, I am giving a good sample for using master pages with iframe fo... [More]

Create a clone of panel with fieldset on hyperlink click

There is no readymade clone or copy method so if you have a panel which contains fieldsets with controls and want to add the same panel to the page on hyperlink button click, you have to do it yourself through coding. You can create new Panel object and initialize its properties... [More]

HCL Interview questions on WCF

These questions are from a walk-in of HCL Noida. (1) For what purpose WCF is used in your current project? (2) What is binding in WCF? (3) How many bindings are there? Have you ever used netMsmqBinding or netNamedPipeBinding? (4) If my hosted service is chargeable and I want to track the record that who has called/ accessed my service how many time, how can I do it? (5) I want to restrict the concurrent access of my service to limited users, how can I do that? Where this setting is done? (6) How session management is done in WCF? (7) How WCF service is secured? [More]

C# Object creation exercise test

What would be the output of-        classA { }     classB { }     classC { }     classProgram     {         staticvoid Main(string[] args)      &n... [More]

Important points while writing any WCF Services

Important points while writing any web / WCF Services should be taken care are as -  a)      Availability If you go to a known restaurant for which that is famous and after reaching you come to know that they are not providing services. How do you feel? So services sh... [More]

Will Distance Mode Education Affect My Career

Distance mode or Correspondence mode or Open mode education is being common in India. Government is planning to reach at remote areas with good quality of education. Premier institutions reach ex. IITs is now expanded. For faster approval of new distance university setup, a joint venture of DEC, AICTE & UGC has been come. [More]

Received 2012 mindcracker MVP Award

It’s my great pleasure to get the Mindcracker MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award for 2013 (Dec-2012 to Dec-2013). This award is given for my contribution towards Articles, Blogs, Interview questions, and in Forums on C# corner is a great platform for .net resources. Though it is providing resources beyond the Microsoft Technologies. [More]