Microsoft Innovation Centres in India

Microsoft's Innovative centres will provide supports for local start-ups, certifying students on Microsoft technologies as well as it will allow software developers to work on the Microsoft’s research & software. [More]

Data Types in C-sharp

C# language is very rich in terms of Data Type support. I have drawn a simple Drawing on its data types which explains itself. [More]

What is jQuery Object

A jQuery object contains a collection of DOM elements and when filtered using some selectors, this object contains “matched-elements” or “selected elements”. This jQuery object is like a special array on which we can call length method but not join(). [More]

jQuery change the label text on radio click

jQuery : How to change the label/span text when my radio option is checked or changed. I created this jsFiddle for someone, you can see it as -HTML Code: <html>    <tr><td colspan="2"> <span id="labelMsgForRadioClick">Select your choice</span> </td&g... [More]