Updating serial no in existing list using Linq

There could be many ways to update or change the serial number value in existing list. Using LINQ, we can update the serial number without using our normal loop. This can be done with help of Lambda Expression as below - int rowIndexNumber = 0; myExistingList.ToList() .ForEach(row... [More]

Understanding WCF basics

WCF services writing and consuming related basic points are as in short -  Service : A service is a unit of functionality, available to the world on some contract or deal. Client : A Client is nothing but a service consuming party. It uses the required protocols to consume/use the exposed s... [More]

maintaining scroll position on Page Postback

Microsoft provides an property for pages " maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack". If this is set to true it works fine in Internet Explorer browser. But  maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true" doesn't work in webkit browsers correctly. some techies use hidden field to maintain the scroll position... [More]

Required field validator not firing on readonly textbox

Are you expecting a required field validator will fire on your empty textbox field (textbox with readonly property)? Well, it will not fire. You need to refer the behavior of asp.net validators. Required field validator is disabled for readonly inputs. But still you have a scenario where you wa... [More]

Using master page with iframe for content page

Though iframe is no more used in modern web programming. HTML5 and CSS3 is buzz now a days. Some prefer using update panel for their whole content page. There are many ways to handle the post backs of pages for better efficiency. Here, I am giving a good sample for using master pages with iframe fo... [More]

Create a clone of panel with fieldset on hyperlink click

There is no readymade clone or copy method so if you have a panel which contains fieldsets with controls and want to add the same panel to the page on hyperlink button click, you have to do it yourself through coding. You can create new Panel object and initialize its properties... [More]

C# Object creation exercise test

What would be the output of-        classA { }     classB { }     classC { }     classProgram     {         staticvoid Main(string[] args)      &n... [More]