Whenever a software expert get interview call to demonstrate his technical skills or expertise, he goes through a mind making phase to crack the interview. The applied position could be anything from software programmer to technical lead. Architect level interviews are quite different and involves higher level of management too.
Money matters at the end of the day but not every time. So, don’t keep only money as job switching reason. It should be always there whenever you are switching your job but not only one reason knowing the worst condition of your new employer. And what if you went for good money but demoted in technology & work with lot of pressure? Better to check on which technology most likely you would be deployed on if got selected.
Be scheduled for your prospective interviews
Whenever your interview is scheduled, you get a call from the recruiter about your availability. Always be ready with your calendar so that it can’t hamper your current job. Secondly, be genuine and don’t hesitate to ask about your job profile. If it is not suited to you, humbly deny it. Don’t schedule an interview for a time pass.
Check the company background.
You can check company establishment details like how old it is, owner background, promoters, business of company, manpower strength of company, firing history, facilities offered, technology used by, etc.
Be ready with your CV and other required documents required to attend Interview
Get printed copy of your CV, call letter, and other required supporting documents. Refer resume-cv-tips for what your CV should contains and what not
Do some research on Interviewer
Most of good companies, schedule your interview with their technical expert and they mention their name & position in your interview call letter. So, just have a small research on that person like his technical expertise etc. You would be more confident and normal while demonstrating/discussing with him as you would have some idea about him!
Be ready to explain your current project
You would be ask about your current project, so be prepared on it.
Remember- Most of peoples speak on “What technology is used for what” , but I suggest you to prepare for “What technology is used for WHY”. This is the more sincere point than just explaining some features of a technology. Don’t do advocacy for a particular technology but satisfy interviewer that your current project was requiring this & this and that’s why you pick most feasible one.
Have a look on syntax
SSE or Tech Lead level interviews are not exempted from writing code-snippet or at least syntax. So don’t make yourself so senior that you don’t need to write code snippet but just funda will work for you. Before going for technical discussion, it is advised to have a look on important syntax mainly that are out of your touch since long time.
Be ready with your some achievements
Generally interviewer ask about your achievements, so instead of recalling one on the fly, do some homework before leaving for interview.
Be ready with good reason for switching
It is you who know the best reason, why are you looking for a change! So, be original but smart in your answer. Don’t abuse your current employer, though it may be true in some cases. :) Positively put your dilemma/problem with your current employer to interviewer and try to make it very short. Don’t drag with your or your current organization’s bad story/happenings, just make it simple and very short.
Generally peoples switches employer for these basic reasons-
- Position
- Salary hike
- Challenging work or technology charm
- Better prospective in terms of a stable and bigger employer
- Relocation
Be ready to make a happy ending by asking something good
At the end of interview, mostly interviewer asks you if you have anything to ask. Don’t say “no question, thank you”. You can make an impression on interviewer that may positively work for your candidature ship. So, always keep 2-3 smart questions and ask one which suites at that time to give a good impression and your sincerity.