Simple way of applying file downloads permission

There could be many ways of validating users before allowing them to download the files. In some applications, you can put direct URL of files into browser and can get downloaded from there directly. It is because that application don’t have user validations on file downloads. Users role can ... [More]

Using master page with iframe for content page

Though iframe is no more used in modern web programming. HTML5 and CSS3 is buzz now a days. Some prefer using update panel for their whole content page. There are many ways to handle the post backs of pages for better efficiency. Here, I am giving a good sample for using master pages with iframe fo... [More]

Create a clone of panel with fieldset on hyperlink click

There is no readymade clone or copy method so if you have a panel which contains fieldsets with controls and want to add the same panel to the page on hyperlink button click, you have to do it yourself through coding. You can create new Panel object and initialize its properties... [More]

New programming job trend

MVC, Entity framework with WCF is in demand. HTML5 is expected to be launched by the end of year 2014 but it is buzzing more than others. Others in race are: CSS3,Entity Framework, jQuery, Cloud computing, KnockoutJs... [More]

InvalidOperationException could not Find UpdatePanel with ID

"Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel with ID ''. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel."
Generally this error comes when you are trying to update an UpdatePanel from code behind and that UpdatePanel is inside an element (parent) that has hidden visibility.
Some techies suggest you to use another UpdatePanel as a container of your this UpdatePanel. Keeping in mind that UpdatePanels are the region like PlaceHolders and not like Panel element. [More]