List of all Tables without Indexes in MS SQL

How to get the list of all tables that are not having any indexes on them : Today, I got a question on this and decided to put the way here also.  SELECT [name] AS Tables_Without_Indexes FROM sys.tables WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID,'IsIndexed') = 0 ORDER BY 1; The above statemen... [More]

SQL Server database diagrams

I was looking for SQL Server diagram understanding and found a good article on Atif Shehzad.One can find and read this nice article - Getting started with SQL Server database diagrams

Check the Enable status of Triggers in SQL

We can use sys.triggers view (object schema view) to know the status of trigger(s) in a database. USE [myDatabaseName] GO SELECT * FROM sys.triggers WHERE [is_disabled] = 1 ; -- 0:Enabled and 1:Disabled   To get the status of a particular trigger: SELECT * FROM sys.triggers WHER... [More]

Disable Triggers in SQL

Two easiest command syntacx to disable /enable existing triggers on table are as below-   To Disable- ALTER TABLE [mySchemaName].[myTableName] DISABLE TRIGGER myTriggerName OR DISABLE TRIGGER myTriggerName ON [mySchemaName].[myTableName]   To Enable- ALTER TABLE [... [More]

How to Speed-up Triggers in SQL

Triggers are used to implement business rules, automate or to enforce referential integrity in database applications. Some important points/info about Triggers are -1) Avoid using cursor in Triggers.2) Avoid executing many sql statements on other tables also.3) Avoid returning multi-row-results... [More]