What is jQuery Object

A jQuery object contains a collection of DOM elements and when filtered using some selectors, this object contains “matched-elements” or “selected elements”. This jQuery object is like a special array on which we can call length method but not join(). [More]

jQuery change the label text on radio click

jQuery : How to change the label/span text when my radio option is checked or changed. I created this jsFiddle for someone, you can see it as -HTML Code: <html>    <tr><td colspan="2"> <span id="labelMsgForRadioClick">Select your choice</span> </td&g... [More]

jQuery export table data into MS Excel

We can use window.open() to export table data into Excel or any required format. It is the easiest and simplest way of creating a file with data without server side trip. window.open() requires 2 input parameters for this, (1) the required MIMEtype and (2) element that contains our data table .If you want to export your Gridview data, then place that Gridview inside a container like DIV and supply the DIV to winodw.open(). Also, be noted that window.open() has its scope and limitations in terms of browser vendors and customizing output file name. [More]

jQuery Slice() method more flexible than substring()

jQuery slice() method is very useful and give more flexibility than substring method of jQuery. It takes 2 parameter and both are optional. If none is specified then it sliced the whole. Important thing with this method is that it doesn't consider the last sliced item in its result.    ... [More]